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Submitted by: Jason Bacot
Internet marketing has its own set of advantages and limitations. If used well, Internet marketing can be a huge boon for the marketers as they can be able to tap the huge potential of the Internet to increase their sales and profits. Though it is a recent phenomenon, Online marketing has already transformed many lives and we are going to see plenty of technological advances in it in the near future.
Some of the characteristics of Internet marketing are discussed here:
1. Cost advantage: Internet marketing can be used to reach out to the customers at a fraction of the cost needed for other forms of marketing such as in print media or on TV. The advertisements can be created and distributed quite cheaply. The only cost that is incurred in it is for creation of the advertisement and the medium is completely free. For example, advertisers going for email marketing need to purchase mailing lists at paltry sums and can send emails for free!
2. Availability of smart tools: A number of smart tools are available which can be quite helpful in tracking impact of marketing efforts, generating reports. Advertisers can lay their hands on useful reports which can be used to gauge the popularity of their products or services among their customers. Armed with such information, they can take important decisions regarding their strategy for the future.
Besides that, technological advances have helped advertisers to create such advertising content which can help them to reach out to their customers in a big way. For example, they can create videos related to their services or products and upload to popular video blogs such as YouTube and MetaCafe where users can access them. Videos can have much more impact than static text or images and these are less intrusive than other methods of advertising such as banners and pop up advertisements etc.
3. Statistics: In order to increase effectiveness of their Internet marketing campaigns, advertisers can make use of smart tools which are available freely. They can optimize the content of their websites with the help of numerous tools which are available on the Internet. For example, Google Trends can be used to check which keywords related to their products or services were in popular usage in past few months. In this way, they can optimize the content of their websites.
Many more tools are available which can be used to generate real time reports that can be helpful in increasing the impact of their Internet marketing campaign in a legitimate way.
4. Possibility of abuse: Internet marketing is quite susceptible to fraud. A number of fraudulent ways have been discovered recently which are used by webmasters to increase the reach of their websites. These techniques are collectively known as Black Hat techniques. Once discovered, these can lead to banning of the website by the search engines and can attract heavy penalties as well.
Conclusion: All in all, Internet marketing has shown a lot of promise for marketers all over the world. We shall see a lot of development in it in the years to come.
About the Author: Jason Bacot – Internet Marketing is one of the most popular and best ways to
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