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Submitted by: Christopher Granger
Excellent! Dealing with the confusing procedure of your home mortgage application turned out well. It was difficult indeed, the paperwork, the documentation of your earnings, expenses and debts, but you got through it all. Now you re setting your sights on that dream vacation house. Give it a couple of years and it will be all yours. But before you start daydreaming about that vacation relaxation and fun, think hard first. Applying for mortgage for your vacation home is more complicated compared to what you just went through.
First of all, lenders will recognize the risks involved in an instant. Everything depends on subduing these risks. Lenders believe that people who are planning to get a vacation home mortgage are just jeopardizing themselves financially. And it s likely that these people will be sucked into a failure-to-pay scenario; with higher interest rates exceeding that of their original home mortgage by 0.5% being slapped into their faces. The credit insurance rates are also a big factor. And they will also carry the burden of proving they have additional cash on hand. In your case, you will have a choice to relinquish the mortgage of your vacation home in case you went through with your plan, and resort to pull out a home equity loan on your primary house just to materialize the purchase. With this, you are already free from acquiring a new mortgage loan. Trouble is, the rates are higher than that of the mortgages . What s worse is that your primary house will be paraded as collateral. Imagine losing your house when it turned out you were having difficulties, financially.
In spite of this, sales for these vacation homes have risen considerably through the years. Some states in the east and west coasts are labeled favorites of vacation home seekers. If you plan to purchase one over there, where buying vacation homes are regular, you may find good deals, as you get to watch brokers, lenders, even banks opposing each other in front of you for their share of the market.
With that dream vacation house in clear plain sight, think ahead of what you will do with it when you will not be using it. Owners usually lease their vacation homes. It s a good thing, because it has its benefits. But it is also a liability as well. Of course you will welcome the additional income, but think about how you will maintain the cleanliness of your property. It will only add to your expenses, don t you think? You should also inform your lender and insurance company of your plan to rent out your vacation home.
How do you choose the best mortgage for your dream vacation house? There are certain things to consider, like finding that loan that suits your current situation together with loan term, the lender you want to work with, and how much you want to borrow. These you have complete control. Take note that you can also influence interest rates, some fees that will be charged and the time factor. Asking for price quotes is a different story.
When thinking about our dream vacation home, we tend to relax ourselves and allow our emotions to cloud the reality we need to examine, the factors that lay before us that would spell the difference. Getting a vacation home mortgage is all right as long as we prepare ourselves financially, and knowing that we have personal control over most factors is a welcome sign. So, think again.
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