Friday, August 28, 2015 Parts of the Indian state of Gujarat have been under curfew since Tuesday. At least seven are reported dead, with over 100 buses and dozens of police stations burned, after protests over job quotas turned violent in several major cities including Ahmedabad, Surat, and Rajkot. Each and every issue can be […]
UK bans export of fraudulent bomb detector; arrests director of manufacturer
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 The government of the United Kingdom has banned the export of the ADE 651, which is advertised by the manufacturer, ATSC Ltd., as a hand-held “remote portable substance detector.” However, critics say it is just a “glorified dowsing rod.” In a statement, the Department for Business said, “Tests have shown that […]
Texas identifies first death involving monkeypox
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Map of the spread of monkeypox in the United States as of July 11, 2022 Image: Redstilledits. On Tuesday, August 30, public health officials in the US state of Texas identified the state’s first death involving a patient who had been diagnosed with monkeypox. The notice indicated the deceased as being […]
No assassination plot against US presidential candidate Barack Obama
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Barack Obama. Image: United States Senate. Police in Denver, Colorado located in the United States say that three men who were arrested on August 25 for possessing drugs and weapons were not involved in a plot to assassinate US presidential candidate Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention that night. “[There […]
Malaysian government warns citizens about Uncyclopedia
This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Satire site Uncyclopedia, a parody of online encyclopedia Wikipedia, has been labeled by the Malaysian government as dangerous. The Internal Security Department of Malaysia issued the warning today, […]
Nine thousand Romanian miners to be laid off in 2006
Tuesday, May 3, 2005 Approximately 9,000 Romanian miners will be made redundant in 2006, slightly more than the 7,000 which are expected to be laid off this year. This comes as part of a government program for 2005-2008 which seeks to maximise efficiency in Romania’s mining industry, as well as reduce the number of mines […]
New Zealand Reserve Bank phone hacker not convicted
Thursday, September 28, 2006 Gerasimos Macridis, 39-years-old, left the court room discharged without conviction after hacking into the New Zealand Reserve Bank’s phone system and then asking for money for his services after pointing out these security flaws to both the Reserve Bank and Telecom New Zealand in May, 2006, and offering to fix them. […]
Reform Party of the United States nominates fitness model Andre Barnett for president
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 Andre BarnettImage: Andre Barnett 2012. Fitness model Andre Barnett of Poughkeepsie, New York won the presidential nomination of the Reform Party of the United States at its national convention in Philadelphia last weekend. Consultant Kenneth Cross was selected as his running mate. Barnett, who founded the company WiseDome, became a fitness […]
Mass grave with 51 bodies from the Nazi era found in Germany
Friday, October 6, 2006 Location of Germany The decomposed bodies of 22 children ranging from the ages of zero to seven and 29 adults have been found in a mass grave, believed to date back to the 1940s, in a Catholic church cemetery in Menden-Barge, a small village in Germany. The buried are believed to […]
Large study provides new insights in autism’s genetic code
Thursday, February 22, 2007 In the largest study of its kind, a genetic analysis of 1,168 families with multiple cases of autism has identified genetic links to autism. A previously overlooked stretch of DNA on chromosome 11 implicates a gene called neurexin 1 and increases the evidence for the involvement of neurexins and genes related […]