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By Seomul Evans
People often wonder about the difference between a modular and manufactured home because both structures can essentially be constructed on a private property or in land leased community. The primary difference in the structures is that way in which they are erected and assembled and the building codes that are followed in their construction.
Manufactured homes which were formerly known as trailers or mobile homes are erected on a permanent chassis which are designed for over the road transportation and are delivered in sections to the home; the homes are also known as HUD code homes because they are in compliance with the directives of the National Manufactured Home Construction Safety Standard Act, a stipulate enforced by HUD (Department of Housing And Development).
HUD oversees and regulates the compliance of structural design of the home with its standards in terms of its construction, durability, strength, transportability, quality control, fire resistance and energy efficiency. HUD code is also used to ensure stringent compliance of plumbing, heating, electrical, thermal and the air conditioning systems in the house. These HUD code homes are particularly popular in the southeast and southwest as well a certain rural areas that have a lot of private land without land use restrictions. When buying a manufactured home, it is essential t check for HUD compliance. If you fail to do you may have to renovate the structure of the house in order to raise its compliance with the HUD code.
If you feel that you have been duped into buying a manufactured home that does not adhere to the compliance standards, you can always get in touch with a HUD code attorney. There are federal and state laws that protect the rights of the customer and an HUD code attorney will be able to tell about a possible remedial measure that can be taken. A HUD code attorney is well versed in the laws and the compliance criteria of HUD so he/she will be n the proper position to present your case in the court. It is also important to ask the HID code attorney or the law firm to furnish contact details of a few former clients who had their cases resolved through the firm or the HUD code attorney.
Modular home are also known as state pre-manufactured homes and these structures are delivered to the site with the structure in almost complete in multiple modules; hence the name modular homes. They are placed on a conventional basement or a even a crawl space foundation with the help of a crane. HUD codes do not apply to modular homes because their construction is entirely regulated by authorities that set that state and local building codes just like the site built homes. Almost 3% of all homes built in the country each year are modular homes; so that an estimated 42,000 built across the country each year and the number is expected to go up, according to the figures released by the National Association of Home Builders.
In case of a compliance issue with a modular home, you will have to consult a lawyer who handles cases related to consumer rights protection, so the approach will be slightly different than the one taken for HUD homes. Always inquire if the attorney has experience in handling cases similar to yours. Not all lawyers handle HUD code related cases.
There is also a difference in terms of financing options available for modular and mobile homes. While you can secure financing easily for a modular home, you may find it very difficult to procure finds for a mobile home primarily because of their classification as vehicles and not homes. Due to their classification, they are prone to the same depreciation in value as any other vehicle another issue is also posed by the fact that these structures are often erected on leased land so the financial institution has very little in the form of collateral to hold on to. However, the scenario may be different if you own the land on which the manufactured home is placed or if you have an immobile home built on site
About the Author: Seomul evans is a SEO Services consultant for California Hud Code Attorney and also provide Free Law Articles
Source: isnare.com
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